Hamberley Neurocare services support people recovering from progressive and sudden-onset neurological conditions, including traumatic brain or spinal cord injury and acquired brain injury including those sustained through trauma, anoxia, stroke, tumour, virus, or infection.
Dedicated to long-term care and therapeutic treatments for people living with a range of conditions and symptoms, Hamberley Neurocare services allow adults with complex needs to receive expert support.
Every part of Hamberley Neurocare's specialist services are developed to suit the specific needs of residents who live with neurological conditions and symptoms.
Our specialist neurocare services include physiotherapy spaces, where physiotherapists and occupational therapists support residents to carry out physical exercises and therapeutic interventions.
Our neurocare services also include accessible bathrooms, with wide doorways into spacious rooms, to comfortably accommodate wheelchairs and mobility aids.
Specialist team members are always on hand to discuss residents' care, support and neurorehabilitation programmes, goals, and outcomes.
A neurological diagnosis can cover a wide range of specific conditions, with an even wider range of symptoms.
Each Hamblerley Neurocare service can provide specialist support for individuals living with neurological conditions and symptoms, leading to the following complex physical, neurological, psychological and behavioural needs:
Neurological rehabilitation, or neurorehabilitation, describes the specific approach of specialist nursing care and therapies which aim to improve people's physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities.
People living with neurological conditions and disorders require specialist support and therapies to overcome and manage their symptoms and develop or relearn abilities.
This support focuses on functional abilities, which people should typically carry out without problems, such as moving around, talking, eating, and enjoying hobbies and activities. This approach also aims to reduce the impact of people's neurological symptoms so they can live with more independence.
A neurological diagnosis can cover a wide range of specific conditions, with an even wider range of symptoms. Hamberley's neurocare suites and services can support residents living with:
To arrange a meeting to discuss our neurorehabilitation and care pathways and visit your chosen Hamberley Neurocare service, contact our Referrals Team by completing an enquiry form, calling us or contacting a service directly. You can also pop in to our services to pick up a brochure and arrange a meeting at your convenience.
When we receive your initial enquiry via email or phone, we will be in touch within 24 hours to progress your enquiry.