
Complaints Procedure

We are committed to providing the highest quality of care for our residents and welcome your views, comments, suggestions and complaints.

Our complaints procedure has three stages: 

Stage one: Local resolution

We encourage people to raise comments, concerns and complaints with any member of staff at the care home and with the local management in the first instance. 

We aim to acknowledge complaints as quickly as possible.  

We aim to keep people up to date with any investigations and / or outcomes and will make every effort to provide a formal response within 20 days. If it is likely to take longer then we will let complainants know as soon as possible. 

Stage two: Internal review

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the management or response you receive in stage one, you can contact the Director of Operations who will review the complaint and the outcome. 

After this review, the Director of Operations will provide a written response to the complainant. 

Contact the Director of Operations by email at or in writing to:

Charlotte Quartey & Aderio Rochay
Hart House Business Centre
Kimpton Road

Stage 3: External Ombudsman

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of how your complaint has been handled in stage 1 and stage 2 of our process then you can refer your complaint to a third party, usually through an Ombudsman service. These services normally provide free independent advice.

The contact details for this service in England are as follows: 

Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771, Coventry
0300 061 0614

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
4 Melville Street, Edinburgh
0800 377 7330 

Complaints to the Regulators 

You can also make a complaint to the Regulator using the following details: